Monday, January 30, 2012

Website progress Jan 30th 2012

The two new articles: The Photographer's [EYE] and Photography and the law are up on the site. I have also arranged for a guest appearance which should be up and running by the end of February so stay tuned to the blog for updates on that. I am also redesigning the backend of the site using PHP so that it scales better.

Also new content of mine will be put up at the same time as the guest contribution.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Website updates has been well received so far and updates will be on the site soon. Major updates to the functionality are going to have to wait a while but the two promised articles: review of "The Photographer's Eye" and "Photography and the law", will be up this week.

Plans for guest contributions to the site are also coming along nicely so stay posted for new content. I will keep you updated of technical updates and "coming soon" for the site on this blog.